Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Buffalo Soldiers

An extinct breed, going
around telling your story,
on tape recorders so you can
be sold like a burger,

I'd buy your book, remember
your plight in Europe
in WWII.

If WWIII happens, would you
remember me?

Monday, October 26, 2009

My familia

Some people don't know
how to rock
the boat,
myopic at best.

You try walking on the water,
and you can run with the

Saturday, October 24, 2009


We had silver, chrome,
blinds in my first home
on Carriage Lane.

They showed a peek of
some fruit trees,
and a deck.

A lot for a little
girl to avoid.

The only time I went

out there was at

Easter, to catch eggs

before they hatched
into dreams.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I waited on my knees,

before Allah.

The call me,

the clothes Muslim.

I hear a call to prayer

and I enter in and bow


I eat with them

and they become me,

wanting school,

an earring,

a shoe left

for Muhammad.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Paris Review

I want to publish this in the Paris Review.


Henri de Toulouse-LAutrec.

Born in the Pyrenees of France.

You were the firstborn,

and studied Degas and Manet.

Descendant of aristocracy,

the counts, and cousins were

your parents.

Producing a man small of stature,

prolific in nature,

and nouveau was never the same.

"Le vieux con!"

You were not an old fool,

in my eyes.

By Gisella Perezarce
Copyright 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


My Grandma Laura was known as the
queen of the frogs.

You may notice I use queen a lot but I come
from aristocracy.

She had a society of frogs and her
deathbed consisted of inducting the officers
and crowning them her successors.

Surrounded in her morado room with
yellow roses and paintings of Renoir,

who smiled back at the Queen of the Frogs.

I gave her a couple of frogs and others did as well.

She smiled at her Prince Tom,
who she wrote about frogs to,

when he was a boy.

The alter after her death, had colorful,
tin frogs. For a royal procession

of green ambience that led her to

her court of friends.

In Memorium Grandma Laura one year passing.


Do you remember the girdles that Madonna
used to wear over her suits in "Vogue?"

I used to wear girdles, too.

Just one, I bought it at a thrift store
as an eighteen year old with a bigger, belly.

Its funny, I have a smaller one now and it is
fifteen years later.

Smaller belly, not girdle.

I don't need to wear Spandex under my dresses.

I occasionaly wear tights if the dress is tight
or too short.

That is the beauty of age.

The ability to be free.

Gypsy Queen

I was followed by a lot of gypsies for awhile.

I didn't know what to do about it.

The climax was at the Greyhound,

the King was there I found,

and maybe wanted to make me their queen.

Healthcare, cottage industries,
legitimacy in the world swirled
around that possibility.

I got off the bus of like fifty
gypsies of three generations,

and met a man on a street who
confirmed my aspiration.

I said I was family but
without commitment,

they went a way, away.

Now, Madonna is standing up

for the Roma and the woman at
the gym I was mean to

is sufficed in having an
advocate again.