Monday, August 24, 2009

Caitlin Berrigan

I cried so hard when I found Caitlin Berrigan.

I saw her when she was 14 years old. She was so sweet, innocent and beautiful.

I was her Jr. high camp counselor at Railroad camp.

I slept in a barn with her best friend, Meredith and another girl who was a foster child.

I took the week off from work at a developmentally disabled, deaf adult group home that
I was the main couselor at.

I begged the owner for the week off and prayed the whole week for these girls.

I gave them Bibles, jewelry, and promise books.

I knew it was my privelege to share Christ with them.

I know they all are geniuses.

I know the girl who was a foster child never wrote me, maybe she felt like she had too many

I feel like that, now.

I asked Caitlin and Meredith to write me and they did. I didn't write Caitlin back and I think I wrote Meredith. If the other girl wrote, I am sorry I neve wrtoe her back. My mail was disorganized and it sometimes takes me a literal decade to get back to people.

Caitlin's brilliant and ingenious, website:

MIT VISUAL ARTS PROGRAM work and research caitlin berrigan
(E) Tisch School of the Arts Photography & Imaging Faculty & Staff Show, New York, NY ... 55th annual Berlinale International Film Festival, Berlin, Germany ... Caitlin Berrigan. “The Smelling Committee,” Glowlab, September/October 2006 - Cached - Similar -

Please support her art as it is a cutting edge career we need to have in our world.

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