Saturday, September 12, 2009



I remember sitting in my friend's, Emily Harmon's house out by the vineyards of Sonoma County. We got kicked out of the city limits at a party once and had to tredge through fields of grapes at night.

"Veronica" by Elvis Costello brings me back to independence.

I hear it in grocery stores and elevators and it makes me what I am.

Gwen Stefani running in her wedding dress keeps blurring through my mind.

I wrote this based on amazingly true events.


Slurpees on a summer day, icees
of lemonade to run, to play,

Sprinklers in my underwear-
running around in the golden air.

A tribute to John Updike.


She runs the fastest.

From Nigerian Kings and Princes,

and from Scottish men with ale.

From crack on the street, in Pie a la mode,

and from people who put her in jail.

She runs the fastest.

1 comment:

  1. RUNI represents "Screw Compactors turn waste to value by compacting returned good, surplus material or bi-products. Compacted material can often be sold as re-usable..."
